eArche solar panel opens up new markets and broader applications for solar installers
eArche is a new and innovative solar panel now available to the Australian market.Conventional solar panels use silicon cells with a glass and aluminium encapsulation. eArche panels uses the same silicon cells, but without glass and aluminium. .Why will eArche panels suit your application.
eArche is a new and innovative solar panel now available to the Australian market.
Conventional solar panels use silicon cells with a glass and aluminium encapsulation. eArche panels uses the same silicon cells, but without glass and aluminium.
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Why will eArche panels suit your application
1. Flexibility and Suitability – the panels can be installed on a flat or curved roof. There are various installation methods from as simple as using silicone adhesive bonding to multiple mounting rail systems. Whether the roof is penetrative or non-penetrative, concrete, insulated panels, light weight, glass or simply for aesthetics reasons, we have mounting systems to suit your requirements.
2. Industry standard warranty – 10 years workmanship warranty, 25 years performance warranty. The composite material used that replaces glass, is a proven material used in the aircraft windows for decades;
3. Lightweight – 65% lighter than conventional panels. eArche 325W panel weighs 7.7kg.
Currently, an installer can move one conventional 325W panels which is 26 kg. Now replace that with 4 x eArche panels and suddenly, you are moving 1.3kW at once;
4. Weight loading on the roof – Have you comes across a job where the client didn’t pursue with solar because the roof could not handle the weight loading? A 100kW of conventional panels on the rooftop, that’s more than 8 tonnes of weight!. The equivalent eArche system will only be 2 tonnes. Conventional panels have a weight loading of 15-20kg/sqm. eArche panels are under ~4kg/sqm.
5. Packaging – the thickness of the eArche panel is only 5mm when compared with the 35mm conventional panel. A standard 2m x 1m pallet can hold 80 x 325W eArche panels. Now that’s 26kW on a pallet that sits on a solar installer’s box trailer. Compare that with conventional panels, its 7.475kW (23 x 325W conventional panels);
6. Forget 2 different sized panels (60 cell and 72 cell), we have 24 different sizes approved with the Clean Energy Council.
7. System performance – Same conventional silicon cells are used hence there is no power degradation decrease in the energy yield. The daily performance of eArche panel is similar to the conventional panels;
8. Bloomberg New Energy Finance recognised eArche as one of the most advanced product in the June 2017 report.